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My Life in a Nutshell

Look! It's me, im in a Nutshell!! How do i get out of this Nutshell?? This is just a collection of quotes and such that have occured since i began this rad website.... most are inside jokes with myself and friends, so i dont know if everyone will get them all. 

OK, well so over Paulo's party on Saturday night, Laura, Shaunna and I happened to be laying down right near where Biggy was standing.  Laura decided to grab on to his leg, then Shaunna followed suit on the other one.  Biggy then exclaimed "Ive got a Shaunna on one leg, and a Laura on the other one.  Kevin, if you grab the third one, ill kick your ass!"  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
"I feel so bad for people who are so dumb and have no idea" - Tricia's explanation about the weird freshman who was interested in meteorology
"I'D like a Big Ninneys Bacon Cheeseburger." - Pha at Ninety Nines. "Um... excuse me?" - Waitress "What, did i not say it right???"- Pha  hahahahahahaha
"WHATS going on down here?" - I forget who said it. "Irish people" - Danielle
SO Derek labeled me as the notorious "backrub whore" at processing Mon night.... oh well... at least all the girls appreciate it.... I take that as a complement.... and im soooooo better at them than Nick!   I think Nick and i will have to have a backrub-off.... or something.... hahaha...
WELL at least my second group of kids.. um... i mean freshmen were muuuuch better than my first group
ALL our skits really kick ass, they are the funniest things in the world! 
"BIF khakis"...... great invention.  Ask Jeff Twyon about these ones.......
I guess i had a funny talk online with Drew that night as well... but i dont really remember it.... oops!
"I wanna sing baby shark..... baby shark.... please? Baby Shark..... =(    " - Me pouting on Laura W's shoulders cuz i was too drunk and sad that i couldnt sing Baby Shark in the Bathroom again.... meanie!!!
SO im finally 21!!! yay!!! tanks everyone for takin me out on friday night at 12, and then on sat as well! we had an awesome time!!!!!
IM in Laura W's room, looking at a sheep dog stuffed animal she has.... and i say.. "hey that looks like the dog from 101 dalmatians".... (ya know, the Sergeant or whateverin the barn) and Andrew responds with "um, Kevin, dalmatians have spots".... I know that dammit... i have one!!! Hahahaha
YEAH, so my first group of freshmen were the group from Hell, except the two girls... i really apologize to anyone that they pissed off...... and thanx to everyone who helped me out thru that stressful time..... i love all u guys!!! Jose, thanx for embarresing them in front of eveyrone. I owe you one and i apologize for them saying what they said
"TALK about RBIs and nailin bitches" - Jose in his monologue
YEAH, so one night i was downstairs and i saw a chinese delivery guy and he was tryin to find out where the food he had was to go. He couldnt figure it out, so he just sat there for a while.  I realize that this is probably Drew and Joyce's food that they ordered but i didnt say anything.  A half hour later i go back up to their room and they said their food never came. Then Nick comes in a little while later and he said this chinese delivery guy gave him free chinese food.... Hahahaha!
SO Derek's party was rad.  Had a really good time, i guess i was dancin like a moron..... then of course there was Baby Shark at 1 in the mornin in the 15th floor bathroom, goin over to Drew's apt for a bit... then havin a "sleepover" in Shaunnas room...... fun night... what i remember anyway......
"COME here often?" - Jose   "Sometimes" - Drew
"HERE comes the Guillotrain!!" - Chris King after seeing a decapitated family of rats on the traintracks
SIGN on a Chinese Food Delivery Truck: "Chinese Lunch Boy: $2"..... Jeez... i didnt know they came so cheap nowadays.... hahahaha Then i realized that the part that made the "y" in "boy" an "x" was faded......
SO, yeah, we took a trip to go visit Harvard in Boston during training, get off the redline stop, walk outside, and theres this guy there that says something to the group of us. We dont quite understand him at first but then think about what he just said and realize he just asked us "How often do you gangbang?" about 4 times.... strange funny old man in Boston.... you see some wierd ones there i guess........
CODGE... its a mix of the words cock and... um... odge..... right Jose?
AND that race back from Friendlys, which was def a race.... we won!!!! Go us!!! Boo Beff!!! (Us being Andrew, Shaunna, Jose, Me and Nick)
"LAURA, at least I dont get off on EVERY floor" - Jose to Laura W..... hahahaha, jk Laura
I like Toomey's analogy about not having the best abs..... Its like going into the grocery store, getting a 6 pack and then putting some rolls on top of it..... HAHAHAHA
"IT'S mine, you bastard! Give it to me!" - Beth after she bit Chip in a heated game of Spoons
THE retreat at Black Bear Lodge was gnarly.  I got to know a lot of people.. we found out that our official orientation game is spoons........ and Joyce and I ruled at Chicken.... Go Us!!!
"TANKS Beff!!!!!"  Beth's pahty kicked ass... It was the best when we started playing Dirty "Ive Got Mail", and we wanted the neighbors to get in on the " oversized beverage container standing", screaming "neighbor! neighbor!"
O2K2 you guys rule.. i luv all you guys ... u are like family to me.. i wish this would never end!!!!!!
YAY!!!! Its me, griff-dawg, and mikey shaw next year... we will rule the skool!
IT'S quite strange that going to some senior's house where there were a few beers and some weed being smoked in the backyard when their parents were away was a big party to them... Berger and I just had to laugh at the fact that at college that is an everyday occurance... oh how life has changed...
SOUTHFEST went across just grand.... had an awesome time... good food, good music, good friends... just better be streakers next year... or ill have to do it myself dammit!
YOU know we are comic book geeks when we laugh at some stupid kid explainin to his GF that Norman Osborn is really the Lizard in Spiderman and not Green Goblin like in the movie... well... we knew that kid was wrong.. but we werent willing to say anything to him about it for fear of being laughed at... hahaha! I miss you, comic book reading days.......
POOR Rob has no more hair!  I bet u ate your words with that one.. but in all seriousness you look good with short hair.... I think ur nickname for orientation will have to be "Spike", however........
WOW I cant believe that Labbe and Ryan jumped in the damn Merrimack River after we kinda saw the sunrise..... I know id never go swimmin in there.. and they musta been freezin....
EVERYONE has to see the Clifford the Big Red Dog movie Angelique and I made... wait... on second thought... maybe not....
THE semi rocked! I had the most beautiful date of course... Thanx for goin with me Jen.  And then Rosalind said i was like one of four guys on the dance floor that had any rhythm whatsoever.. thanx Ros! Im sure one of those guys was my Orientation buddy Jose! hehe
GO ConnectoR!!!!  We won student organization of the year! Its been fun with all you guys.... thanx for the good times im glad i joined... and now im Photo Editor!!! Yay!!!
I have a feeling my Orientation name will be Red Ranger.... per order of buddy Jose..
I cant wait to get into the new office for the Connector... we will have DVD burners!!! Go us!! u will never see Chip, Blatt and I ever again.. cuz we will be in there watchin DVDs on our huge Mac monitors next semester... hahaha
I'VE been told that i have really nice eyes... thanks you know who!
DAMN.. i dont think ive been that cold in my whole life..... i was in the dunk tank for spring carni... on the coldest damn day of the spring... on the windiest damn day of the spring..... ugg... but at least we got to dunk Rob Velella.... yay!!!
SO now guess who i look like? Yup.. another famous person!  Nicholas Cage.. but cuter.. thats what Didi and Jo Jo say.... damn... i must be hot!  haha... yea right
LEWIS Black was fuckin hilarious!  I wish i was drunk like Blatt tho... probably coulda enjoyed it even more... hahaha.... but we also got to meet him so i wouldnt wanna be drunk for that... o well....
I'M so happy that Unplugged and Uncooked went well.  Acoustic Guitars with Sushi was a surefire winner.... and it gave Seventh Ring a gig..  i hope i helped you guys out!
BEEN playin a lot of volleyball lately.... but not workin out... is this a good tradeoff? hmm... i dont think so... i gotta get my ass in gear dammit!
CANOEING kicked ass.... Shaunna and i kicked ass!!
"ANGELIQUE! He is soooo prancing!!"- Me.  "Hes playing a part. Hes an Elf! Thats what they do!" - Angelique   "So? Hes still prancing!" - Me..... hahaha
ORIENTATION here i come! I am an orientation leader for UML this summer... i cant wait!!!!
DEFINATELY some cross-kootieization goin on, wierd concept, huh redhead?
THE Goodtime gals of 512... dont let the name fool you... have some good times there!  booya! Hahaha!
THE one thing that Angelique and Jen needed to win that round of Rapidough was to make a peanut.... and guess what they had to make with the clay.....
DUDE, im really getting a wierd accent lately.. its between Chris' thick wakefield/boston accent, mixed with Jen's R.I. (almost) accent.. plus i got this woburn accent goin.... ugg.... strange....
WALDEN pond was a fun time.... ive never been there before... it would have been nicer if my roommate didnt keep on throwin the frisbee in the water and id have to go get it and get all wet... dammit
"I want a doughnut!"  I wonder if Chris and Jen (a.k.a. mommy and daddy) are getting annoyed yet?
WOW... I never knew that Peeps could expand when u put them in a microwave.... thas so cool!!!
311 and Hoobastank were awesome... It was such an experience to get that close and actually take pictures like a real band photographer or something.  It would definately be fun to do again... (Hint Hint, Rob Blatt....)
THE cops musta been all confused when they saw a red celica pull up into a handicap spot, 3 college guys get out... and then walk into the movie theatre.. haha  too bad they couldnt do anythin cuz Chip is still considered 'handicapped'.... stupid cops!
YUP, well that just about completed the trip to Montreal when i found Frado passed out in the bathtub...
CANADIAN baseball! Two strikes and ur out... well.. at least thats what the guy at the front desk told us.. one more stike and we were gonna get kicked ouf of the hotel.... i like those odds in American baseball better....
MAN, I had such an awesome time in Canada.... too bad i lost my damn camera.. woulda like to take pics of some of the crazy stuff that happened...
I have been living a lie.... my name on my birth certificate is "Keven" Francis Gentile as opposed to "Kevin".... wow... what a headrush...
WALKIN into Bickfords the other night was really wierd for me... i was the one guy among 6 girls that i went with. People musta thought that i was either a pimp or their gay friend... o well... Frado and Randy saw me there and were like dude.. Kev's mackin it.. haha.. ya right...
I went into BJs with Caroline and Takuji.  We were minding our own business causing trouble and then the damn pastry guy finally told us to act our age.... stupid pastry guy... all he's good for is free samples......
SINCE when has Boston been closed at 10 pm???? I was there last week with Tasha and Christie tryin to find a coffee shop and EVERYTHING was closed!! And it was even a friday night!! Dammit Boston!
DRUNKEN Jenga!!!! Psych people out with Barrel of Monkeys!!!
YEAH!! Im a member of the Connector staff!!!
FOR a good time... go visit "Lynn Cypress" in room 512... hahaha!
I better start to take some pics of college friends before Chris gets mad at me.....
NO one turns down the Crystal-Kevin combo!   hahahahahahaha!!
THE Pig humps everything!!!!!!!
HELP Me!!! Im turning Emo!!!
WOW who would have thought the Vagina Monologues would be anything like that???  Go see it if it is at a college or playhouse near you!
OK ive just decided that this cold is just gonna be a part of my daily health now... i have had the damn thing for the last two and a half months... so if i have a cold.. i am fine... if i dont have a cold.. it must be a miracle and im halucinating
YA know... it just dawned on me.... now i really do have a compact car...
REDHEADS have a tendency of being EVIL.... i dont care what anyone else says.... hahaha!!
I think i like doin this picture taking thing... i could get used to it.....
I have not laughed that hard in  a while.... Chris told a damn strange story about a fat woman who got hoisted up on a fishing boat crane because she couldnt get out of the water cuz her clothes were too heavy
GRIFFBALL - the new family sport of hot tub goers everywhere
WOW, i have never really gotten waterlogged in the middle of February before... i guess sitting in a hottub for 3 and a half hours in the freezing cold outside on North Campus will do that to you.....
BATTLE of the bands was really cool... got a buncha awesome pics.... Seventh Ring really shoulda won... but... they played two damn shows in one night... thats enuff to say "fuck you guys and your awards.. we're the fuckin shit and we can play two shows in one night!" Good show overall guys... and i hope we got some good video footage.... thanx for the compensation too... u guys didnt have to do that.
YES I admit it, i am a cough drops junkie
I Think i wanna be a photographer now... a music photographer would be key... maybe Seventh Ring could start me off.....
I Really have to start going to bed before 3 in the morning.........
ONE of these days im really gonna get Jen bad in a pillow fight.... i swear....
CHRIS where are my Pizza Goldfish???
MY name is Kevin... not Franny Baby!! hahaha
CHOCK up one more on the people that Kuji has hit while going too fast boarding/skating or whatever!!! hahaha
I really hate it when little kids get in your way when you are snowboarding!!!!!!
ZOOM Zoom Zoom! I drive a Mazda!
WHEN I start my own band, it will be called either Drunks with Exlposives or Exploding Pigeons
SEVENTH Ring show kicked ass last night... i was pretty mad that i was the only one was chanting 'Lobsterbread!'. Robbie almost didnt play it until i got more people to chant it after the next song.
DAVE fell culprit to the dreaded 'wake up in the mornin and realize that people put makeup on my face when i was drunk out of my skull last night' syndrome.... Bad Dave... Bad!
I think ive established Jay and Frados band to be "Screemo"... i didnt think there was such a thing, but Jay said there was
THE PATS RULE!!!!!!! I love Tom Brady!!!
MIDGET! Clown! Abortion! Nuff said.. you wont understand unless u know Stars Falling Cold or Jay or Frado....
OK this is how its gonna work.. im gonna marry Rachael Leigh Cook, have a good time... then get divorced and then marry the love of my life Jennifer Love Hewitt and live happily ever after... its possible!
TO think that i lived through the 80s and experienced the 'care bear stare', popples, punky brewster, and fraggle rock. No i would not change my youth for anything
I never knew BINGO could be so addicting
HILLSBORO (Hillsborough?) was a nice change of scenery from Reading and I had fun with Caroline and Erin and her friends. Who woulda known u didnt have to be chinese to work at a chinese restaurant?
DAMN Nashoba and damn ur no jumps! At least the budda was good and it only cost 10 bucks to board for the night
YUP, that last firework got us caught. But it was fun to watch produce blow up.
DIDNT find any ghosts in the elevators, but at least Justin was still in the car when we got back...
I guess i have the cruel fate of being one of the first to die in a horror movie, but i still dont see why i would be so expendable so quickly
SHAW'S party was success, but noone wanted to go to the beach!! At least i got to play dizzy dizzy dinosaur
DAVE Thomas, we will miss you and your great smile, and will shed a tear each time we devour one of your biggie chicken nuggets
BEING a temporary roadie is cool, but only Justin got a hat =(
MAN, that guy that took our group picture at Hoobastank had some crazy smellin cheebah.... and he was just walkin down the streets of Boston smokin it.... hahaha
WELL I found out what im doing with my life, I am gonna work for Kat's Manatee company and stand outside in a manatee costume and greet people. She said she is going to feed me in peanuts and twizzlers... Yessss!!!!!
DAMN, Shakira is hotttt..... she can really move her ass!!!
NO Sarah, i dont want any of your Squynts!! They are contagious... and i like my Altoids better
WELL i guess i look like Chris from NSync now too (which one is that?) according to Abby and Ally..... Long Live Flip Cup!!! hahaha
AS Kuji proclaims, "I am one of two college girls in the civil engineering program (at umassd)" - finally the truth comes out
SNOWBOARDING was fun up at Killington, it was expensive, but i got some nice air off of jumps.. and Kuji lost his season pass so he had to pay like the rest of us..... haha!!!
LORD of the Rings kicked ass!!! go see it now!!!
YOU know you had a fun time at a punk show when the guy in front of you gets a beer can thrown at his head, it nearly hits you.. and you get sprayed with beer....
PEARS are sexy, but not vegetables.... maybe cucumbers... right Kakes?
CHRISTIE we are the best!! thank you for being part of our christmas card... hah
MIDNIGHT sledding is rad.. maybe this is a new sport on the horizon.. or it could just be somethin to do when we are bored and want to throw snowballs at Kuji
"DUDE theres a monkey in your window...." Tashy ur the best!
AMAZINGLY, talking to a drunk Wetzel is not very different than talking to a sober one..... go figure....
ENDING up in Boston wit my boys Griff, Steve, and Shaw while trying to get home to Reading from Woburn is quite difficult to do to say the least....
DRIVING Griff nuts while he is driving is fun as well....."Um Steve... 38 south leads us to Boston not Reading.." "SHUTTUP!!! Griff doesnt know that!!!" Hahahahaha
ITS always those quiet girls that amaize you.... she never says much.... then when she sees a drunk kid that she knows stumbling down the street.... she yells out "ANDREW!!!!" and then hides behind a tree hoping that he didnt see her
MY parents are the coolest... what other mom would be drinkin a mudslide talkin to the girls while all my friends are drunk off their ass?
GRIFFIN can make good Mudslides for someone who is straight edge
OK so i cant bowl.... at all.... big deal...
JIMZ and I are goin into the business of making X-rated Dr Seuss books...
"IM naked." ..yup that about sums it up for my pal Steve-O
NEVER fall asleep over Jake's house. Hes liable to draw funny things on ur face with sharpies... thanx for not doin so this time Jake.. haha
OK i may not be the best ice skater but i didnt run into like 3 little girls like some other kid i know.. right Kuji?
LETS blow this popsicle stand Caroline.... how bout it?
BERGER is so sexy..... i think that all u girls should call him up right now and have phone sex with him
"GOOD luck tonight Chasse.." - The immortal words of DINO

KAT is hottttt!!! Does that work? Ok now we can see how many guys IM u now.. hehehe
DONT worry Abby, theres no jello on your butt..
I Miss Amherst already...
OK maybe i should just be a rockstar, i have been told i look like Scott from Creed, Dirk from Incubus, Travis from Blink182 and now Joey from NSYNC (.. ick..)
SCORPION bowls are where its at!! O wait.. i cant end a sentance with at, can i Wina?
THE inconvenience of waiting for two fashionable girls dress is unbelieveable.. lol
MATT says im a Will Smith song... im so proud
WHAT is a frop?
I dont want any glitter, Kakes!
A buick is compact to my F250, Kuji..
HI Kathleen.. there.... happy?
I'M not a playa Erin, i just crush a lot
"ACHOO" ... "Fuck off!!"
HAM, why u laughin so much??
KUJI u still owe me the rules of the road bitch....
I want to find some green stuff too
"OH the goose is hungry!!"
LONG live Chris Farley